Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy



All the information you have entered to become a member of our store is provided by Tripster 3. the party will not be shared with companies or individuals.

Our store may send campaign information, information about new products, promotional information to its customers and members in some periods. Our members can make all kinds of choices about whether to receive such information while becoming a member, and then this choice can be changed from the account information section after logging in as a member.

Only you can access all the information you provide while becoming a member and you can change it.

If you protect your member login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change the information about you. For this purpose, during membership transactions, transactions are made within the 256-bit SSL security area. This system is an international encryption standard that is impossible to break.


Our company prioritizes the security of credit card holders who shop from our shopping sites. Your credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.

When you enter the transactions process, there are two things that you need to pay attention to in order to understand that you are on a secure site. One of them is a key or lock icon located on the bottom line of your browser. This shows that you are on a secure website and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used depending on the sales process and in the direction of the instructions you provide. The information about the credit card used during the shopping is encrypted by Let's Encrypt with 256-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol independently of our shopping sites and sent to the relevant bank for questioning. If the availability of the card is confirmed, shopping continues. Since no information about the card can be viewed and saved by us, third parties are prevented from capturing this information under any circumstances.

The reliability of the pay / invoice / delivery address information of the orders placed online by credit card is checked by our company against Credit Card Fraud. Therefore, in order for customers who order from our shopping sites for the first time to reach the procurement and delivery stage of their orders, it is necessary to confirm the accuracy of their financial and address/ phone information first. If necessary, the credit card holder is contacted by the customer or the relevant bank to check this information.

Note: We recommend that you pay attention to the company's open address and phone number on Internet shopping sites. If you are going to make a purchase, make a note of all the phone / address information of the store where you bought the product before making your purchase. If you don't trust it, please confirm it by phone before shopping. All the information and company address of our company are indicated on all our online shopping sites belonging to Tripster.


Never write your credit card number or passwords in the e-mails you will send to our Customer Service about any of your orders. The information contained in the e-mails may be viewed by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transmitted from your e-mails under any circumstances.

Contact us for detailed information.